Things Not to Do As a Developer
We make many mistakes in our development career journey. If we can avoid the mistakes then our development career will shine more.
Things to avoid:
1. Perfecting codebase - Thinking a lot more to set the perfect varibale names, function names, choosting algorithm/ data stucture that is ment to be used for solving large problems even though it is not nessary for the current problem etc.
2. Over Engineering - Over engineering usually refers to building for way future problems.
3. Reinveting the wheel - Creating something that is already existed.
4. Jumping between technologies - Ignoring learning properly and switch between technologies without finishing properly.
5. Not builing networks - Not talking advantage of helping hands and the opportunity it brings along the way.
To be honest, I have gone through most of the cases I've mentioned here and I suffered a lot. I hope you do not make the same mistakes.
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Tags: Coding Programming Web Development Tips