
Securing Sensitive Data with Encryption Algorithms
Encryption is the process of converting plain text into an unreadable form (ciphertext) to protect against unauthorized access. Here we have discussed How encryption algorithms work, how many types of encryption are there and provided examples and code for understanding Encryption.

Efficiently Managing Data with SELECT During INSERT Queries
We may sometimes need data which is already present in table but we need that data during insert. If we query data first and then insert the data, it will require running 2 SQL commands. In this article, we will learn how to do it one singlw SQL Command.

Things Not to Do As a Developer
We make many mistakes in our development career journey. If we can avoid the mistakes then our development career will shine more.

Create an Instant Push Notification(IPN) Service in Laravel
Let’s create an Instant Push Notificaion(IPN) service for user’s card add and delete in a payment gateway service. We will notifify the IPN listener about this user action.

Virtual Host Setup with SSL Certificate in Your Localhost
In this article we will learn how we can run our project from a custom url instead of localhost in our local LAMP Server on Ubuntu.

Create a Multi Language Based Website With Laravel
This article goes in detailed on how to make a website multilingual in Laravel. Users will be able to set the language English or Bangla and the whole site will be translated accordingly.

Don’t use index number for searching data in Array
We use array index to find data in array but it can lead to readability issue and my produce bug in some cases. In this article, we will see a scenerio where accessting data by index is not a good choise.

How to access mysql remote database from command line?
Sometimes we may need to access remote mysql database. we can access it with a simple command very easily.

Importance Of Using Log in Your Project
Log helps developers to track what is happening within your application. When a product goes to production server we don’t know what happened in between a user’s request and response. So in order to investigate a failed scenario we need to check the Log.

Beware of double dollar sign “$$” in Your PHP Code
We all know Dollar sign($) is used to declare a variable in PHP. What if we accidentally type dollar sign two times for a variable?
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Virtual Host Setup with SSL Certificate in Your Localhost
Dec 4, 2023   308Software Development